The Firearms Technology Museum

Patent No. 1889 of 1865

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1. Firstly, the construction of breech loading guns and pistols with a lever for fixing the barrels in the manner described, also with a slide for withdrawing cartridge cases as described, and also with the parts arranged so as to avoid interference with the aim in the manner described.

2. Secondly, the construction of guns with a plunger and striking pin combined with the other parts, and adapted for working as described.

3. Thirdly, the construction of cartridges with a piece of metal at the base strong enough to resist the blow from the striker, as represented and described.

4. Lastly, the combination of the breech piece with the revolving chamber in the manner and for the purpose described.


Breech loading sporting arms and pistols having drop down barrels and manual sliding extractors.

A form of bolt action long arm.

A center fire cartridge for the split cylinder conversion system.

A method of combining a detachable breech piece with the cylinder of a revolver. This was the split cylinder conversion for permitting the use of metallic cartridges in arms originally designed for the percussion system.

There was a disclaimer filed by the Birmingham Small Arms Company on September 9th 1873 which removed the first claim as it was not considered to be new and original, and removed the second claim as it was not considered to be as benificial to the public as first considered. It appears Tranter handed the patent rights over to the BSA on the condition they take no legal action against Westly Richards and the National Arms and Ammunition Co. both of the same address in respect of the manufacture, use or sale of cartridges for any alleged infringement of the patent as ammended by the disclaimer.


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