The Firearms Technology Museum

The Story of our Museum


The Museum was established in Sydney, Australia by Kerry and Carol Guerin in 1985. In 1988 the museum was relocated to the historic village of Carcoar in the central west of New South Wales, with the Museum reopening in the banking chamber of the old Commercial Bank on the 26th of  November. In August 2001 the museum was again relocated, this time to Orange N.S.W. and at the same time changed to an online museum and placed on the web so that the information we have collected would be available to everyone.

The firearms and artefacts have been collected over the past 30 years and many of the weapons in the museum were made by the English gunmaker, William Tranter (1816-1890). The Tranter weapons database contains information on approximately 2000 Tranters from around the world and with  help from fellow collectors the Tranter weapons survey will add to this database in the future.

There are still some areas of the site to be completed but we thought it was more important to get up and running, we will continue to update as information comes to hand.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our Museum and if you have any information or details on any Tranter weapons that can be added to the database please contact us.